The water, sewer and garbage is due by the 20th of every month. Please turn in your stub along with your payment at the dropbox located at
the Golden Valley Community Hall.
Monthly ChargesWater ...................................... $ 6.75 per 1,000 gallons
Garbage - Residential .......... $ 25.00 for first can $ 13.00 for second can
Garbage - Commercial........ $ 61.00 per commercial bin
Sewer....................................... $ 8.00
Base Rate .............................. $ 15.00
Late payment fee ................................... 1.75% on past due amount
* Don't have a garbage can? You still have to pay the minimum for water, sewer and the base rate.
* Utility bills will be mailed to you on the 1st of every month.
Garbage Day: Wednesday of each week
*Garbage must be bagged and inside the receptacle for the truck to pick it up. Loose garbage and oversize items may not be picked up at the driver's discretion. Garbage placed outside of receptacle will not be picked up except the week after a major holiday has occurred.